how to prepare for any competitive exam

Hello my dear friend, if you want to enhance your knowledge about to prepare for competitive exams like UPSC , IIT , GATE  and others like these then you are at a right point you can get about all the things what you should do or what you shouldn't.

1. UPSC Preparation Tips :

When To Start Preparing:

The very first thing preparing for UPSC exam that your basic focus should be your graduation and during the last phase of your graduation you can start focusing on this exam. Graduation study makes your base clear.

How To Start Preparing:

There requires minimum 2-3 years for preparation so you should be ready for that. There are lot of failures in this exam so you need to be prepared your mind for these failures.For preparation you should start with NCERT. It will make your base. The second thing is to choose your optional subject wisely. It should be according to your interest because it can make you to prepare well.
In the starting months you should analyse the previous years papers and mock papers so you can understand it properly and then you should cover up for general studies and optional subject. Many student think that news paper and answer writing can be their priority but you should not focus much on these starting months you can make answer writing as a habit on weekend and read news paper headlines in starting months of preparation.If you are completed with GS and optional then you should prepare for ethics.You should concise your syllabus and make a habit of note making.The next thing you should consider about is time management which is important for releasing pressure on exam time

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2. IIT Preparation Tips :

How to Start Preparing :

If you want to be an engineer or want to study in IITs then you should work smartly for IIT entrance exam preparation.The very first thing which you should do is to understand what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses.if you find out your weakness then minimize your mistakes by learning that particular topic more.
The next thing is that you should maximize your study hours. you can make it by dividing your schedule into various slots. You should make short notes for what you learn because short notes are the thing which will help you at the final time of exam.You can make a list of formulas and certain reactions and other elements and also topic wise short notes so that you can revise the whole topic very quickly.
The next thing you need to remember is that more practice leads towards to success. You can solve last year question papers, sheets, DLPs and many of different books but firstly you need to understand that the understanding of the concept is necessary.

GATE Preparation Tips :

How To Prepare For GATE :

If you want to go in engineering services or IITs for further studies then you can prepare for GATE examination. The best time for preparing for GATE exam is starting of 3rd year because this exam includes the syllabus of 3rd and 4th year so can also make good grades in engineering degree. It comprises 70% marks for technical subjects and 30% marks for English , aptitude and mathematics.
So, For a better preparation you should first revise the mathematics and technical subjects simultaneously. 
You should study according to the topic not according to the time and don't talk to anyone in the study hours. It can be your habit by practicing more. The next thing is that you should minimize your calculation mistakes because the paper is designed as there is always a answer which you fill but incorrect due to calculation mistake.
Reading carefully the questions can also be a good practice because sometimes it can save us from silly mistakes.

